The Reserve has recently established the NamibRand Desert Research and Awareness Centre (NRAC). This Centre provides support and guidance for local and international researchers and assists research focusing on management issues. The Centre has established partnerships with renowned local and international research institutions and works in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, feeding back into national research. An interpretive/awareness centre is being developed as part of the NRAC.
The innovative ‘adopt-a-fairy-circle’ concept has been designed by Wolwedans to encourage guests and nature lovers to ‘adopt’ one of the thousands of mysterious fairy circles that are unique to the Namib Desert. The funds collected from this initiative flow directly into the NamibRand Conservation Foundation (NRCF). The NRCF in turn allocates 30% of its funds to the NamibRand Desert Research and Awareness Centre (NRAC).
Research effected by visiting scientists (hosted by NRAC) includes the mysterious fairy circles, wedge-snouted lizard Meroles cuneirostris, lapped-faced vulture, Namibian desert termite Baucaliotermes hainesi and the late Holocene archeology of the Awasib-Gorrasis basin complex in the southern Namib Desert –amongst various others!
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